Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Ice Creams at the Jamboree Stone

So hoped the conditions might be better this morning.  I'd driven over to Sutton Park first thing in anticipation of mist and early sunlight, but the clouds were stubborn and didn't break and the mist wasn't very misty.

I was trudging back to the car when I saw the ice cream van pull past, parking up at the jamboree Stone.  The stone commemorates the 9th World Scout Jamboree held in August 1957.  It was also the 50th anniversary of the formation of the scout movement and 100 years since its founder, Robert Baden-Powell was born.

It seemed so incongruous to have an ice cream vendor plying his trade on this cold morning.  I only noticed afterwards a sign offering tea, coffee, hot chocolate and even soup!  The Verecchia family and their vans are well known in Birmingham.  I went to school with a Dean Verecchia and from a chat I had with the driver on a previous occasion, I know that he is part of the firm and driving one of the vans elsewhere in the city.

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