A Bit Of History

For the fourth time in seven weeks I travelled to London and for the third week running I stayed at Marks.
Over the weekends we have passed the Mindyer either going for breakfast at the start of the day or something to eat at the end.
The Minster, also known as St Mary's church, is Reading's oldest church around it is where the town grew up.
Built on the likely site of a nunnery and church that was probably founded in the reign of Edgar (959-978 AD).
In 1071 the church and lands were given by William I to his new abbey at Battle, founded to commemorate his victory at the Battle of Hastings.
In 1121 the church and lands were given by Henry I to Reading Abbey. The link to Battle Abbey is still remembered by Battle Library, Battle School and Battle ward in west Reading.
Today the Minster is in regular use as a place of worship.

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