Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Day 1 November CELTA

Good news is that Mr Problematic Trainee wasn't least not today. In fact, they all seem quite nice.  Bad news is that I'm not feeling well and feel as though I've had a bit of a fever all day. I had to pull myself through the day, not ideal when it's just day 1, am setting the tone for the course, should be full of energy and all that. And to top it off, my internet package has run out on my ipad and I'd already got ready for bed when I realised!  As there's no wifi in school, the wifi package lets me check emails quickly throughout the day without having to find a free desk, sign in and out of school computers and then in and out of Yahoo. Hey ho, but day is 1 done and dusted. Now hoping I can sleep tonight. Missing Bb! 

These cardboard boxes caught my eye on a landing in school. 

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