My share

News in the morning told how efficient finns are as the rake or hoower their forests to prevent firest fires.

So I did my best contributions to the issue :)

Please be aware of fake news. We do not comb our forests against fires. We do make sike lines and truckways into forests and lines may prevent possible fires go further. Lines are really gutters actually because normally it is so rainy here, and soil would be too wet for effective forestry without these trenches.

During dry summer seasons we anyway have forest fires. What comes to climate change, if our summers continue to be hot and dry like the past one 2018, there can be more fires here too.


Busy day. Made my share really in cooking, having a long nordic walk and showering all flowers of the home. We also visited IKEA and I bought some lights for plants. Bought new herbs into kitchen too.

Our son did leave to army brigade after a few extra day off and our daughter will go to Helsinki for her studies again tomorrow, I guess. It has been an exceptionally busy and paintful weekend for my knee&back arthritis.


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