Out For A Walk

It's still fall here, but it seems that winter has come to other parts of the country. 

My thanks to everyone for their good wishes yesterday.  My grandson and his wife are doing okay after yesterday's trauma.  We're giving them some space but trying to be as supportive as we can.  There's just nothing anyone can do.  

We all spent a couple hours in the emergency room last night and all I can say is thank God for nurses.  They were so supportive and helpful.  The ER doctor, on the other hand, clearly failed Empathy/Sympathy 101 in med school.   He was just terrible and had no conception of the fact that he was talking to two terrified, heartbroken people young people who were losing a baby they wanted so badly and who didn't have a complete picture of what was happening.  My daughter and I were appalled but just had to stand there and listen to him talk about his wife's five miscarriages and that "this happens all the time -- not to worry."  I know ER doctors have difficult jobs and are often stressed out, but this one didn't look or act stressed.  He clearly just didn't care.  

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