Peter Piper Pics

By Bozzy

Serengeti AKA Fife

Another glorious day over the county of Fife today. I was up and out at 7 am taking photo's of the lovely full moon over the castle in the back garden. I was going to post that but went out again at the sunset. It had been with the intention of shooting a different castle with the sunset behind. However I saw this on the way and then when I got to the castle there wasn't really a shot there.
So I quickly went back to this and managed to get there before it was too late.

These continuing clear cold days are making what bit of cloud there is even more vibrant. Lets hope it continues.
I found out today that I have been approached to do a number of shots for a forthcoming book, which is great! so will hopefully get out at the weekend to do a number of reccies and prelims ready for the real thing

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