Stronsay Dusk (Day 1293)

When the alarm clock woke me at stupid o'clock this morning, the woofer (normally ready to head out for a wander as soon as I get out of bed) looked at me as if I was mad. Neither of them got out of their beds.
Having woken up slightly over coffee and breakfast, I trundled into town to catch the 7am ferry to Stronsay. 
The ferry arrived in Stronsay a little late and there was a further delay when the ramp wouldn't go down, the crew resorting to bashing it with hammers of increasing size. 
Finally off the boat, I drove along to see the lovely Maxine and Tony to service their boiler and change some radiators. The boiler is one which I fitted around a year ago and the same kind I fitted in Sanday a couple of weeks ago. 
The morning was spent fitting radiators before I had a look at the boiler which is running really well and keeping the house nice and warm. There was time for coffee whilst the boiler started up so I could check the new radiators were heating up properly, and it was good to sit and blether to Tony and Maxine.
With everything working fine, I took a little trip around the island and stopped off to take a few snaps here and there. The light was poor as I got to St. Catherine's Bay at dusk, but I thought it worthy of a snap.
The ferry home was a little late arriving in Kirkwall, making it quite a long day. The dogs and I are now waiting for the return of my beautiful wife who has been out to dinner with Pam.

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