Gitama's World

By Gitama


The light on the water made it look like Quicksilver....the little mangrove shoots just added some extra. I decided to try some blurry shots.

A friend took me to the Pictures and a lunch today to celebrate my Birthday (love those extended Birthday thingies).....whilst watching the old lady  leaned over from a few seats away and told me to 'Stop it'
I asked her 'WHAT' ......she said ......'Eating ...the noise is very distracting' 'are you SERIOUS'....cheeky bugger....I was only munching on some M &M' friend couldn't hear anything and she was sitting next to me.

Anyway upshot is.......she probably did me a favour as I think I ate too many anyway and my tummy doesn't feel that good...still.....that doesn't exonerate her from her rude behaviour.... I mean one has to have a wee treat when they go to the flicks...she was just lucky I didn't have a bag of crisps.

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