Setting up!
Up early this morning, and off to Sydney with the car packed to the set up the Christmas show that runs Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday.
We got the shelves up and draped, and 8 of the 12 banana boxes unpacked. We've just begun here....that's about half a banana box's worth! We managed to get all that done by 1 pm and then went off for lunch and a bit of shopping before heading home. I'll head up there early tomorrow morning, to unpack the rest of the pots and do the display. I need a fresh outlook when i'm displaying the pots and organizing the booth....the lighting will get done and the carpet laid, the table draped and we'll be ready to rock and roll by 5pm Friday. The evening event is a gala fundraiser, and there is wine and lovely finger foods! Always a fun and exciting evening!
I can't help compare my experience of doing this show - my 3rd one here....with the One of A kind show i did for over 12 years in Toronto. And a lot of us did twice a year, Spring and Winter!!! That show ran 11 days, from 10am till 10pm....brutal it was! The amount of stock i needed was huge....i think i used to take about 25-30 banana boxes! Every potter i know uses these amazing boxes to do shows.... I don't know what potters would do if there weren't banana boxes...they are just the right size to pack a lot of pots, and they stack so well!
It's funny tho, after all these years - i still seem to have some unconscious worries! I've had 3-4 days to get things together and i have felt very low keyed, and not stressed at all! well, i guess all that is only on the surface! I was awake from about 2am - 5am....not feeling anxious or redoing lists (which was the habit of many years ago)...just awake! and of course the dreams i had when i did sleep were all about being on time, being ready....etc! Pretty wild how we think we've got things sorted out....when the unconscious mind would definitely disagree!
Now i can relax for the rest of the evening....and head up their early to get it looking pretty!
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