Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Getting ready...

Amazingly, the chipmunks (or at least some of them) are still tearing around the patio collecting seeds and engaging in little skirmishes.  This little one, who I think has moved into the patio burrow vacated by Flossie, took a brief moment to do a quick face wash.  If you fire in bursts, you can often catch very funny moments as they groom themselves.  Anyway, although it is heavily cropped, it will do just fine for today's image.  Oh, and that obnoxious band of white on the lower half of the photo is ... snow.  Yep, it still hasn't melted completely.

And it is kind of representative of my day which I feel has been spent in a mad dash to get ready for Thanksgiving.  I was trying to do several things at once this morning and completely omitted a key ingredient from the pumpkin pie.  And didn't realize it until the pie came out of the oven 50 minutes later.  I am not even going to tell you what I did to salvage that mess.  Anyway, I'm feeling a wee stressed at the moment so sipping a cup of tea  up in my sanctuary as I write this.  

I did manage to knock another big thing off my "to do" list and that was preparing a powerpoint presentation that I am scheduled to give next week on Monarch butterflies.  Now, I need to do some banking chores ...and then I will be sort of caught up.  

Hoping to start catching up on some Blip journals this weekend ...


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