Strike that. Reverse it!


Day 334 - Bobbin along............

Yesterday I was spoilt for choice, today an emergency blip. The ups and downs of committing to a photo everyday for a year.

It may have helped if I'd ventured outside today. However I was still thawing out from the night photography yesterday so needed a cosy day.

I was working from home today which went really quickly and non eventful which is always good.

When I'm stuck in the house I always wish I had more ornaments to blip. Think I may have exhausted the kids lego collection although my reserve emergency blip was lego. I won't reveal in case I have to use it soon.

Friday tomorrow and off to see a lovely friend who's second baby was due yesterday. So I may or may not be seeing her, although I'm looking forward to catching up I know how it feels to go over your due date. So am hoping she goes into labour soon.

Happy Friday to all xxx

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