Horsemans Park
Offers some great view over the town. For Maggie and me it is one of the most boring walks, don’t ask me why. It is just a small path along side Steamboat Ditch and over the last 14 years I have milked all possible interest out of it. My thoughts went back to the days that Chinese men , pressed into service, (being Shanghaied), created this ditch, probably with a lot of blood and sweat to allow water to come from Lake Tahoe all the way to the valleys in Reno. I have taken pictures of every sight , plant and weather. I know every stone on the way and Maggie knows most of the smells that other dogs have left there. In contrast to other walks, here she is always way behind me.The advantage is that it is close to home and that it offers just enough ‘walk’ for half an hour so I go there when I am either in a rush or late.
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