Ben Folds Five...

Ary and I drove down to Manchester today... well I say that but I drove cause (a) I'm a control freak and (b) the quote to put Mr In Between Jobs on my insurance for the weekend was... wait for it... are you sitting down... SEVEN HUNDRED AND NINETEEN POUNDS!!! (Yes CAPS are necessary!) What the actual fark?) I can't even begin to imagine what a job status has to do with anything. Do they think that because you're a doley your driving skills deteriorate? Maybe while he says he's out job hunting, he's really treating the local car park like a skid pan with a stolen car? Eejits!!

Anyway... it was kinda nice to have a co-pilot for my journey although what sort of co-pilot doesn't like journey jelly babies?? An expensive one... that's who!! Hey ho... more for me which is a terrible hardship!

So we got to Sarah's, had dinner and then she gave us a hurl in her new car to the Manchester Apollo for the gig tonight which was utterly awesome for those who have heard of Ben Folds, the Five was there too! Hurrah!!

I wasn't allowed to take my camera in with me... I chanced it cause Sarah was waiting outside just in case. It was just as well cause they searched my bag on the door. Apparently, my camera is classed as a professional camera because it has a detachable lens. You can bring in a digital camera of any description provided the lens is not detachable! Now there was nothing on the venue website advising of this, I checked... twice! I called several times and didn't manage to speak to a real person so I figured I'd take me chances. Epic fail but the security guys were really friendly and said they'd put my camera in the office and give me a receipt so I could collect it after... obviously my control freakery was having kittens at the mere thought so I was glad to have Sarah outside waiting. Although they wouldn't let me out to give her it so she had to park up and come collect Darcy for me. Feels weird not having him with me. Since I bought my camera over a year ago, I've not left the house without him. Not once.

So these are from my iPhone... the band pics are terrible but at least this one was straight!

Top night, four day weekend, fabulous company and a lot of laughter! Hurrah! Oh... and we have a quadruple chocolate cake too!

138 sleeps!

(Sorry about the border bit in the thumbnail but I can't fix it without a cumputer!)

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