If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Hydrangea arborescens "Annabelle

My usual Thursday afternoon with Kanyl and as usual i was roaming his garden looking for a blip.   A dull dreich day with no inspiration.   I took Jasmine nudiflorum only to realise I blipped it on 16/10/18, too soon for another.  I took shots of a little fungus but entering the front garden I was surprised to see a flower still on the Hydrangea.

The dead heads had interest the browned petals making an interesting texture.  However the fact there was still a flower albeit battered I felt needed recorded.

Hydrangea arborsecens is native to the SE states of the USA, growing under woodland canopy, woodland roadsides and stream banks.  What I tend to think of as the "flower" is actually an inflorescence.   The individual flowers are about 1 cm in diameter and sterile.

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