Minus Zero

Minus 4 Degrees ....Brrrr.....

It was minus 4 degrees when I rode through the park this morning on the way to work. I was very glad I did not fall off - as the moor was covered with sheet (not good) ice. I could not decide whether to take a picture of the sunrise (spectacular), a couple of curious swans (obviously pretending to be friendly, supressing a Hissss and wanting food, or the very cold icy scene with the full moon. Eventually, when I plucked up enough courage to take 2 layers of thermally insulated gloves off, then discover that my fingers could still move ever so slightly, I took pictures of all 3. This leads to an embarrassement of riches and a dilemma; which picture do I blip?

The one that captures the mood wins out. Swan pictures are ever so common and rather 'passé' even though they are always so serene and photogenic. The same with sunrises - although I have taken my fair share and will continue to do so. This picture looks cold, bleak and icy. That is exactly how it was. Incredibly fresh and crisp with a real feel for Xmas looming. There was no one around; Even the ever present Jesmond Lady Dog Walking Club (middle aged retired and very rich housewives I would think) were not out - it was even too cold for them.

It is warming up now - so hopefully the trip home should be not quite so extreme. And (for bike enthusiasts) , my gear cables had not frozen up - so we still have that little experience still to come. I won't go into the antidote for curing this - as it is too early in the morning.

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