
By Dee49

Another cold and frosty morning

I've taken around 150 'frosty' shots this morning and don't like any of them. This is from the 6 I finally 'whittled' them all down to. And I'm fed up now!

Not happy with it but will have to do, no more time to faff around today.
I've been waiting on a delivery that was supposed to arrive on Monday and it has been 'lost' (don't believe a word of it) by the courier company, so now I have to pay extra for another item because what I wanted is now out of bloody stock!! And I have to go pick it up as I don't want the same happening again!

On a lighter note :) the tooth fairy has been back to pick up and leave pennies for a tooth of Neve's that travelled all the way from London in a paper towel, only for it to be an imitation. It looked like one, but you're not supposed to be able to flatten teeth are you? I only discovered this after the pennies had been left and while putting it in the bin.
She finally owned up and admitted that she only wanted pennies. Not sure whether to find that funny or not.
The actual tooth fell out the next day at school, she gave it to me, and I've lost it!!

Anyhow, sorry I'm rambling. Feeling extremely a bit crabby today.......

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