My Attempts

By Bernydoll

Book boy

No 2 son is 40 today so his partner whisked him off to The Witchery in Edinburgh for a night away.  LW came to spend the day and night with us, the first time he has stayed overnight.  He's been a star.  We had a busy day as MJ was having a birthday party, his birthday isn't till 24th December but his Maw and Paw thought it a good idea to have a celebration for him away from the Christmas shenanigans. LW had a fantastic time at the party and when we came home he went out with Breesha and Papa for a walk in the woods in the dark with a torch which he loved.  I love the way he enjoys books, here he is getting a story before his bath, he had another two once he was in bed before lying down and going to sleep.  There's an extra of MJ during Pass the Parcel.

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