Grade 3

This kid has worked so hard today. I am so proud of her. She got up, we snuggled with an early morning movie over breakfast. She did well over an hour of piano before we had some time in town. We did the library, bank and the town’s Christmas festival of food. She always seems to do well there. She blagged herself a free macaron because the man selling them thought her face of delight at them was incredible. She got a free bun to decorate on the Lakeland stall. Her own weight in cheese samples round the venue. The usual crackers, chutneys, Christmas puddings... We made a couple of stops at craft-related shops for some homework. Including Paperchase for stickers. We discovered there that we had a voucher on my reward card which she used on a fabulous “butter”beer tree ornament!

At home she had a bit of lunch then did about 90 minutes of brilliant clarinet work. She had a bit of time easing off the music practise during the Nutcracker yet this week she’s really stepped up and accepted that she needs to get back to work ready for her exams.

She finished clarinet just as it was time to jump in the bath, do her hair and head off to her exam! The examiner was from Mexico and they were quite looking forward to meeting her. Apparently she was lovely and Katie was happy with how she danced, so that’s great. Grade 3 RAD done!

After we got home, she had tea with a bit of her first Christmas movie of the season. While I settled the Christmas Tree I picked up during her exam....! It won’t be decorated for a few days but it’s bought!

The final project of the day was some homework from her piano teacher to write a story to one of her pieces. I’m not sure she’ll have pictured the adventures of Bert, Ernie and BabyGrey Bunnies on a day out in the sunshine....! But Katie chose fabrics and papers to capture the mood of the story, annotated the score, used stickers and colouring.... and translated the story to her playing too.

Somehow, I don’t know how, she still managed to force her eyes open for reading her new book at bedtime!

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