Doc Days

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

So I relapsed last night. I lay in bed between 1.30am and 3am with a swollen snozz and I finally cracked and snorted that sweet, sweet nasal decongestant.

Aw c'mon, just gimme a taste, baby.. just a taste, that's all I need...

They tried to make me go to rehab, I said no, no, no.

So perhaps cold turkey is not the way to go. I shall see if I can wean myself off this stuff gradually. But consequently, I've been feeling a bit sleepy and out of sorts today. 

Me and Cazza decided to have a quiet time of it by watching lots of documentaries on Netflix. We love a good doco. We watched:

Williams: Which is the story of Frank Williams of the Formula One racing team. It was quite a fun documentary but he really doesn't come across very well. Even his mates describe him as kind of an arse.

The Barkley Marathons: This was a hoot. The Barkley Marathon is the most challenging long-distance endurance race in the world, taking place over three days in the wilds of Tennessee. What we loved about this was the eccentric characters who run it. Just a couple of old dudes who charge $1.60 to put in an application to enter. Thousands enter, and "I keep the entrance charge," said one old dude. "That's my retirement money."

Then there's an entrance exam and the 40 who pass get a commiseration letter. "We are sorry to inform you that you have qualified to run The Barkley Marathon."

Then there's a further fee for being allowed to run. "This year it's a flannel shirt. Because I need flannel shirts," said the old dude. "Last year it was socks." Then the race is on! Starting at a random time of day or night when one of the old dudes blows on a conch shell.

So then you follow the runners, and it looks just AWFUL. It takes about 50 hours to complete, and the runners get torn to pieces in the undergrowth. Apparently only 10 people have ever finished it.

And then we watched Icarus, which I'd been hearing a lot about. It was so good Cazza called Feefs to tell HER to watch it too. 

I can't say too much about it, other than it is gripping and rather sad. It starts out being the story of a cyclist who decides to experiment on himself, taking performance-enhancing drugs and documenting it as he goes. But then... the movie takes a left turn and turns into a political thriller instead. The cyclist's original project gets completely forgotten as things really spiral out of control. It's an amazing film.

So that was today. As you can see, Punky took it in his stride.


p.s. Happy birthday E.

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