Not The Damned

This was to have been a picture of a The Damned in concert in Portsmouth last night but, unfortunately, Basil wasn’t doing all that well so we decided not to go. We wouldn’t have enjoyed it, worrying about him and it wouldn’t have been fair on Son1+1 who were going to be dog sitting, and some things are more important than having fun. It transpired that we
missed Basil’s morning dose of Paracetamol which resulted in him struggling to get comfortable, particularly when trying to lay down. This goes to show how reliant he now is on his medication and we won’t be making that mistake again. As at Sunday morning (when I’m writing this) he’s back to his current normal self - and has just had his morning meds.

In other news, earlier in the day I had a very nice trip out with Mum and Dad to a garden centre for a bit of light Christmas shopping and cake.

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