Judging day.

at the Sculpture Symposium. It's such a shame that there has been so much rain over the past two days. I waited until the rain eased this afternoon and went down to see the finished sculptures and I arrived as the judging was taking place. I don't envy then their job.  It would have been very difficult. These are not the best photographs as I was keeping out of the way of the judges, the dignitaries watching from a marquee and the rain.  I have selected some of those I have shown earlier in the week so you can see the finished article.  Hard to choose the main blip but all week I have been puzzled as to how Susan was going to incorporate the totara (a native wood) piece she was working on with the huge macrocarpa log which sat beneath. Would I have placed it first?  I really don't know - I'm not an artist but I really do love many of them! What talented artists they are.  I don't yet know which is the winner. 

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