Mr Hand Entertains
Happy day! That bad earth tracked down at last. I blame a couple of red herrings. So, happily having fixed it (temporarily) I legged it off to sit in the Trinity coffee shop to bask awhile.
And later, a gig at the voodoo rooms - the mighty Withered Hand with a string quartet. And what a cracking gig - Mr Willson gave it laldy right from the off, stamping and banging those numbers out; the crowd whooped and sang along. It was great to see him in such fine form; and he wasn’t the only one in fine form, for we were joined by high flying celebrity blip couple JS and M, out on the town, he in dark Brunello Cucinelli raincoat and Gucci glasses, she in a Fuzzy Mongolian lambswool jacket by Florence Bridge. Get those Guinnesses in, guys! Pip pip!
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