
Marwolaeth ~ Death

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Impermanence: "We aim to have a huge positive impact on culture around death. We're motivated by a belief that working with death is very useful & important."

“I just believe that if people thought about death more, about the fact they were going to die, then there would be less bullshit” (Jon Underwood)

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Rydw i wedi newydd darganfod 'Impermanence'. Maen swnïo Bwdist i fi. Mewn bwdhaeth rydyn ni siarad llawer am Ansefydlogrwydd. Mae diwedd i bopeth sy'n dechrau. Does dim byd yn aros yr un fath. Dydy e ddim problem. Mae'n dim ond gwirionedd.. Mae'r prosiect Ansefydlogrwydd yn edrych i helpu bobol yn meddwl am Farwolaeth. Mae'n eironig. Mae ansefydlogrwydd yn un peth sy'n dibynadwy.

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I've just discovered the 'Impermanence' project. It sounds Buddhist. In Buddhism we talk a lot about impermanence. There is an end to everything that begins. Nothing remains the same. It's no problem. It's just reality. The Impermanence project looks to help people think about Death. It is ironic. Impermanence is one thing that is reliable.

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