Coffee hour

We walked down to town, with me hunting MM ‘Empty’ inspiration. Considered empty bins, empty shops - Mr G suggested turning out his enpty pocket.

Then in the mall on the way into Lidl, there they were, stacks of EMPTY takeaway cups in the side window. And so here they are.

Needless to say, we hopped on a bus to Westbourne for a ‘good’ coffee. And a first, cappuccino with ~ oat milk. The barista assured me it was good, and she was so right. Oat milk took away some of the bitterness, and made it lovely and creamy. Tomorrow I’ll try a flat white with oat milk.

Then to a posh hairdresser for a cut. No luck recently, so yet another salon. Spending a fortune recently trying to find one I like. Lovely patient young lady, maybe this is the one. Seemed to cut well, will evaluate when I next wash my hair. Have booked colour with her the week before Xmas.

Thanks 60 plus for hosting MM today

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