Paper Free

I had to wake the monsters this morning to get them ready and off to school.
They always seem to sleep well when they are here (much to their mother's disgust).

After posting two bird houses we went down to the bank to query a direct debit that had been set up for an extended warranty.
Given that we have been getting a load of phone calls trying to sell an extended warranty on our washing machine (without them knowing what make we have) we were a bit dubious.
After a bit of digging by the man in the bank it turns out the direct debit was genuine- hidden away behind what would be the normal check was the word 'Honda'. I had extended the warranty on the car when it went in for its last service but at the time the dealership couldn't say when it was start and it appears the letter about it hasn't arrived.

Whilst we were out I thought that the bars on the car park might make a blip - or the girl walking past, but when we got home it just had to be the post ……… notification that because we pay by direct debit we don't need a paper licence  - or to do anything -- all to cut down on wasting paper.
They are the ones wasting paper (and money)….. they sent two copies and we have been paying by direct debit for years and not had a paper licence since it was introduced.
Efficient? .…………….. I don't think so.

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