Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Photograph frame

W has made me a fold away/stand up frame onto which I can drape material as a background for indoor photos.  And I've treated myself to an LED daylight light - partly for the photography, but mainly for the sewing.  Well - I say I've treated myself, but now I come to think about it, we ordered it on W's Amazon log in, so actually, he's treated me to it!

W thought I should have cleared the table covered in "cr-p" - I assert that it's our living room table, and is appropriately cluttered.

I have bought lengths of black, white and cream material with which to swathe this frame.  And today I hemmed them - not because they particularly need hems to look neat, but so that I can wash them when they get dirty without them fraying away.  Now just to find some interesting stuff around the house to make some "still life" photographs.

I then spent a couple of hours at the gym - I now have a "programme" to work to.  It'll be interesting to see if I can make some visible progress in terms of being able to increase the resistance on the various machines. 

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