
By Bertie21

Eating on the go

He likes to accompany me in the kitchen which is great as I get to potter & tidy whilst he plays. He seems to be learning without me trying to teach him. It’s astounding. He can put things in the bin for me, take cheese to the dog & hold his hand out through the baby gate for well as hearing when the cheese is ‘Berties’. I think I’ll have to start watching my swearing soon!
He’s simply fascinated by lights atm & will point out lights constantly. I’m going to try to find a Christmas event with a light display to blow his mind.
He’s incredibly strong willed and having the occasional tantrum, but they don’t seem to last long. He really knows his own mind!
His favourite things atm (lights aside) are grapes (replaced bananas) ..trying to get to the forbidden shelf by climbing on the sofa, turning on bath taps, putting his hands (and on one occasion 2 soft toys) down the loo..his milk (always greedy for his baby bottle of milk) running, spinning in a circle until he falls over..& fake sneezing ..which he knows is hilarious (it really is)

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