For The Birds

More berries ... 

Grey weather but thankfully dry.

Some gaming, some supermarket errands, some housekeeping.  Actually woke up quite close to noon, so not much daylight to get motivated by, but the most important little project today was going online to apply for visas.  They even want to know the nationalities of your grandparents!  This won't be the first time we are visiting that country, though, so the digital questionnaire wasn't a surprise.  It just takes so long to fill in.  And then at the end, they want a latest digital picture of you taken against a white background, and then a PDF file of a picture of your personal details in your passport -- a PDF file and not simply a scanned copy.  Of course, nothing difficult there, just fussy.  I did AW's as well.  Submitted everything and now we're supposed to wait 72 hours maximum for a response.  I hope all of it is sufficient.

Monday tomorrow ... bleuh ...

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