A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Light up, light up.

Another lovely Friday :)

Couple of hours in university-my arrival to which I managed to time with a) the sun coming up b) scones coming fresh out of the oven. An impressively productive time given last night's post-adrenaline lack of sleep! Also enjoying the reading I'm doing at the moment, so that helps :)

Then I had my shift with the same boy & member of staff as last week. It was quite different in terms of what we did, but also different in terms of his behaviour (no tears at all!) so a little slower but still enjoyable :) Might be covering the shift again next week-as a casual worker & a changing diary I don't often get much regularity with my support shifts, so this has been nice!

And of course, Rainbows :) Christmas craft and Christmas singing practice!

Ready for a good sleep tonight :)

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