A grumpy bus driver

Today I went to 'Braidburn Valley Park' on the bus.

When we got to the bus stop there was already another collie there, waiting for the bus. She was called Diamond and she was only 11 months old. When the bus came, Diamond got on the bus first and went right to the back. Ann was just about to sit in the 'disabled spot' at the front of the bus when the grumpy bus driver said, 'You'll have to take that dog upstairs.'

Well, as anyone who lives in Edinburgh knows................... the stairs to the upper deck of a bus are actually quite steep. Which is why I never go upstairs on the bus. Ann said, 'We're only going a few stops. Molly will lie down quietly at the front of the bus. She won't be any trouble.'

Grumpy bus driver turned a bit aggressive!  Apparently only two dogs are allowed on a bus at one time. One downstairs and one upstairs?? Well, that's the first time we've heard of that rule. We've actually been on a bus when there's been five dogs downstairs??

Grumpy bus driver said we couldn't come on the bus unless we went upstairs. So that is what we did.

It was hard work going upstairs. And because we weren't going far, as soon as I sat down it was time to get off. That was even harder. When the bus stopped at traffic lights Ann started to help me down the stairs but then the bus started to move. That was scary.

…..........And totally unnecessary in Ann's opinion. ............….Me having to go upstairs, not the bus moving. Obv!

Anyway I had a lovely time in Braidburn Valley Park. And we walked home, 'cos the stress of making me go upstairs on a bus had traumatised Ann.

….............Ann's just about to google Lothian Region's policy for dogs on buses??!!

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