Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Suitable reading for the patient?

Knowing that I read, various friends have provided me with books on loan or as gifts. I bought the Alexander McCall Smith novel to read in hospital.

Needless to say, reading since the operation has been almost impossible. I can’t concentrate; there are exercises to do; everything else takes ages; my brain has been addled with analgesics!

Alistair brought The Secret Diary of Hendrik Groen, a subversive resident in an old people’s home. It’s in diary form so I just need to read one page at a time. The humour is black and I would not recommend it to anyone with a relative in a care home....

What do you think if the selection? Do you have any additions for me?

The Festival committee met here today. We had a good meeting. I was metaphorically on my knees by the end and had to go to bed. Probably a bit too soon for me....

In other news, Mum has a flare up of her polymyalgia rheumatica, so has to go onto a higher dose of steroids for a while. Will it slow her down? I doubt it.

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