Photos in A Major

By A

Busmans holiday!

One of the perks of the job, occasionally I get a trip that’s a little out of the ordinary. Today I had the chance to spend a couple of hours with Captain Uwe, the Master of one of the ships in the fleet.

Stories of piracy, rescue (he rescued a fisherman adrift 54 days...the horrid thing was 15 ships passed by, close enough for the fisherman to write down the names of the ships) and other experiences of the high seas. Even a visit to the engine room, a main engine with 12000kW, driving a variable pitch propellor at a fixed 105 rpm!

Much conversation was had around the youth of today and their reliance on sat nav, even that they would know which way up to hold a sextant! So I had to blip this chart, not quite the scale I would usually see when sailing!

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