Building Sn3 and N Worlds

By Stationmaster

Ready for prime and paint

Finished ACCing the kits together today. These are all the resin kits.  I have one wooden kit for the bunkhouse et to build.  Also, I will build a speeder and a couple of trailers to park in front of the speeder shed (far left on the photo) on short tracks to the double doors.

Everything here gets sprayed with flat grey primer.  Then after a day to dry I will airbrush the final color on most.  The six shingle roof sections will get several washes of different color to hopefully look like cedar shake shingles. And some dry-brushing A couple of roofs will get tar paper.  

I have to admit that the details are as much fun.  Little pieces to be brush painted but they help the scene.

I was asked about primer.  I have always used the cheapest crap Walmart sells - a dollar per can.  Flat colors.  And because it is so cheap, there is not that much paint in the spray so the details are not covered up. Unfortunately Wally has stopped carrying the colors I like best so this time I used Rust-Oleum 2x flat gray primer. I think to covers better and is still fine enough not to clog the details.  Triple the cost but way more paint.  

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