Return to the North

By Viking

When life can’t get any worse!

Apologies first this photo is of a photo taken a year ago.
I have been in the doldrums lately as yet again I failed to get a permanent job. It’s hard to keep picking yourself up but then I got news tonight that puts my woes in perspective.
The ladies in this shot are some of my oldest friends that I met 34 years ago at college.
Got a message tonight from the daughter of one of these amazing ladies to say that she had a haemorrhaging stroke 5 days ago- she’s 53, the same age as me! Thankfully she is off the danger list but has a long road to recovery. Puts my shot in perspective!!

Then I look at the others, one has ME, one has lost her husband, and at least two of us have had breakdowns or been a partner to one, ones husband had life threatening cancer and one has had more recent nasty job issues.
Conclusion: my troubles might not be minuscule but they are nothing in comparison to those I love.

My prayers are with R and her family

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