Busy (Day 1302)

The wind and rain arrived through the night, and the morning wander with the woofers was unpleasant.
A bit later, I zoomed into town to collect bits for today's job - changing a hot water system from low pressure gravity fed to a mains pressure system. The collection of bits took a bit longer than I was anticipating, but once at the job I got my head down and carried on. There was a minor change of plan on the location of the new cylinder, because it wouldn't fit through the loft hatch, but it did fit nicely in the cupboard the old cylinder had occupied. It was a really busy day, without much time for breaks, but I got the job done and finished just after 5pm. I had expected to be back to finish off tomorrow, so it was worth the hard graft today.
Back at home I hunted around for something to blip and took the easy option of a macro of the flowers in the kitchen. I am looking forward to the return of my beautiful wife tomorrow.

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