twinned with trumpton


Despite having made it into the office most days for the last week, today was actually my office day. Oh joy. I got in before everyone else and knowing I had the IT man coming to visit, I ploughed into Monday's stuff with verve. 
By the time the IT guy arrived at 11, i was ready for a break, so I left him to it for a while and came back and he claims tp have fixed it so we'll see tomorrow. (In my experience testing on the work wifi is no substitute for trying it at home; tune in tomorrow for another exciting episode of IT/FU)

At lunch, I couldn't face the dander up to the Collective so instead I got my cultcha at the City Art Centre and the Robert Blomfeld photo exhibition; to be fair I've seen a fair skelp of it on social media but there's still some pretty cool shots of Embra and its people.

An uneventful afternoon; and I then headed to hers for some dinner - a chicken walnut and pomegranate stew I rustled up; and a tired pair we made on the sofa (she had been with G to the hospital to check progress on the elbow; going fine but needs to keep up the effort with the physio)

A windy ride home; I held it together though.

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