Calorïau ac arian cyfred

Calorïau ac arian cyfred ~ Calories and currency

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Ers i ni ddechrau rhifo calorïau maen nhw'n teimlo fel arian - mae rhaid i ni weithio i mewn cyllideb. Gyda chronfeydd cyfyngedig mae rhaid i ni feddwl am gymaint rydyn ni'n mynd i werthfawrogi bwyd cyn i ni wario ein harian cyfred.

Wrth gwrs mae'n bosib rhoi mwy o arian yn y banc gan wneud tipyn bach o ymarfer corff. Felly rydyn ni'n gallu ennill arian os rydyn ni eisiau.

Heddiw gwnes i ymuno'r ddau syniad gan redeg i'r siop gacen.

Roedden ni'n mynd i ymweld â Steph yn y noswaith oherwydd y roedd ei phen-blwydd. Roedden ni'n mynd i fynd â'r fwyd gyda ni.

Felly, fel rhan o fy rhedeg yn y bore cyrhaeddais i ar y siop fara am chwech o'r gloch. Roeddwn i wedi eisiau prynu rholiau bara ond roeddwn i rhy gynnar - roeddwn nhw dal yn y ffwrn. Ond... Gwnaeth y siop yn gwerthu cacen hefyd.

Felly prynais i ddetholiad o gacennau i ni rannu yn y noswaith.

Mae amser yn pasio cyn i ni gwrdd yn nhÅ· Steph a Richard a Sam, wrth gwrs. Mwynheuon ni ein hamser ac ein bwyd hefyd. Roedd y cacennau yn flasus iawn.

Mewn theori roeddwn i wedi rhoi digon o galorïau yn y banc i fel y gallwn i fwyta cacen heb achosi chwyddiant. Gawn ni weld.

Mae prawf y pwdin ar y graddfeydd pwyso yn y bore

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Since we started calorie counting they feel like money - we have to work within a budget. With limited funds we have to think of how much we're going to appreciate food before we spend our currency.

Of course it is possible to put more money in the bank making a little bit of exercise. So we can earn money if we want.

Today I joined the two ideas running to the cake shop.

We were going to visit Steph in the evening because it was her birthday. We were going to take the food with us.

So, as part of my morning running I arrived at the bread shop at 6 o'clock. I wanted to buy bread rolls but I was too early - they were still in the oven. But ... The shop also sold cake.

So I bought a selection of cakes for us to share in the evening.

Time passes before we meet in the Steph's house (and Richard and Sam, of course). We really enjoyed our time and our food. The cakes were delicious

In theory I had put enough calories in the bank so that I could eat cake without causing inflation. We'll see.

The proof of the pudding is on the weighing scales in the morning

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