
By DrSandy

The pretend storm....

did MUCH damage.

It clouded over and then................. spat out rain.  WE ran for the washing, successfully retrieving it, before it was soaked.

Then disaster struck.

As we rushed inside, the back door "slammed" into Mom.  Imprinting the key in her arm..........

I was stunned at the level of damage, as I rushed around, trying to stem the rivers of blood.

I am sure if the door had hit me,  NOTHING would have happened. 

N-O-T-H-I-N-G !  Mom's skin is paper thin.  Getting old is NOT for sissies.

I'll finish the story...........

10 minutes later, the rain was gone.  An hour or so later, when I took my fitbit for it's mandatory Sunday afternoon walk, I couldn't even find a puddle, to photograph.  The only sign of the rain, the sun, sheepishly peeping through the cloud. 

By the time I returned home, even the clouds were gone.

As I said.....A PRETEND STORM - which has left a mark on Mom's arm.

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