Just some of the bins still waiting to be claimed. Some of our tinier local residents have opted to guard them in the meantime.
Car to the garage early, home in the garagiste’s car (and then back again when I remembered that my house key was on the ring with the car key). While they stripped down and rebuilt my car, I did the same with a contract that made no common sense or legal sense. It’s hard to figure out sometimes whether folk are lazy, stupid or trying it on.
Later, some super-fast responses made some clients excessively happy (though obviously that will now become the baseline response time they expect), and a long chat with my Saudi client was both fun and rewarding.
Gorgeously warm sunny day. But no garden time :(
Later, the probably good news that the horrendous rattle noise in the car is unlikely to be fatal (to me or the car).
TallGirl requested bolognaise for dinner but to my horror the normally light-of-my-life freezer shop doesn’t have space for things like bolognaise in holiday season (it’s November still!) So instead I could offer her roses sculpted from foie gras, or teeny ham sandwiches with the crusts cut off (frozen). Seeing as that didn’t seem likely to go well with pasta, I had to make bolognaise from scratch! (Obvs should have made TallGirl do it, but she seemed to be working which, given her marks lately, is to be encouraged.)
Mr B will be home later, which I was even more excited about once TallGirl pointed out that I don’t have to go and get him as he has the hire car.
Aside from all the (obviously) excellent legal work, I have been a total clutz today. While driving the garagiste’s (left hand drive) car, I managed to get into the passenger seat three times by mistake. Obviously I styled it out, pretending I totally meant to do that and was just looking for something...
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