We Are Family
The 'rut' is over...and the does are no longer running from the bucks. Betty has herself a new man (with several other does by the looks of it!). Might I add that Betty is a little feisty? I witnessed behaviour that clearly shows that she is the alpha doe. Even though the other does were not worried about me, she gave a stomp and they all stopped approaching me. I stayed still so she advanced, then snorted. Again, I stood still, so she advanced again. Mr. Handsome was not the least bit concerned and went about his business of showing his dominance by rubbing his antlers on the trees. So cool to witness really. The two are definitely a power duo.
They both kept their distance but allowed the other does to approach me. Very civil of them ; )
I have to try to get a video of Fred (see extra). This afternoon/evening, he followed me, for the first time. At the second area, there were lots of squirrels, chickadees, Blue Jays and Cardinals, so he landed beside me and did his characteristic chirping. After taking a few photos of him (see extra of a very patient woodpecker....), I laid out a peanut which he quickly took and flew off. Now I am thinking that I just may get him to take a peanut from my hand this winter....crossing fingers!
Thank you so much for your comments, stars and hearts for my beaver blip. Your generosity is outstanding ❤️
Have a fabulous Friday!
D x
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