Views of my world

By rosamund


It was a glorious morning today. Followed an absolutely blazing sunrise all the way from Gourock watching the colours intensify and catch the clouds which made for a spectacular show. I had a couple of minutes to spare on the way to work so pulled in at the Barrhead Dams for a quick blip, to my left was the fading sunrise, to the right was a pastel sky with a big bright moon and this scene lay straight ahead with it's frosty fields, beautiful old house, reflections on the water, obliging seagull and the sunlight just catching the tops of the windmills.

It was a busy day at work; spreading salt, buying whisky for the piper, organising raffle prize donations and bringing in all the Christmas boxes from the outside store, in amongst the odd bit of paperwork. My job is certainly diverse and never dull. Some people are surprised at the different tasks I do but in a busy nursery you just need to get on with it so the rest of the staff can focus on the children who all had a wonderful St Andrew's day.

Now it's the countdown to Christmas - we have 10 days to perfect 4 nativities, organise 2 parties for 163 children ( including food and presents), put up all the Christmas decorations, locate and sort out all the nativity costumes and do the home visits and welcome groups for the new children who will be 3 in January! Thankfully the chocolate season has started early so we will have plenty of energy to see us through it!

Having a night in with Marisol and the children tonight; wine, pizza and party planning! Perfect!

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