Blipping Forty

By Elspeth

Morning after....??!!

After a long night shift I popped to the local green grocer for some weekend supplies. On the way home I notice a brilliant blip opportunity of three pheasants presumably newly killed hanging on the door knob to a house in the market square. I know it may not be eveyone's cup of tea but it looked like something different and so dashed home to get my camera. Of course too late, 5 minutes later and the pheasants were gone.

I spent 10 minutes or so blipping the village church but was uninspired with what I'd come up with. On the way home, opposite the house where the pheasants had been hanging, I noticed the above blip. It was an unopened(!) bottle of Stella lying in one of the large flower pots planted out with pansies by the Parish Council.

It must've been some night last night when they're leaving their unopened beer in the flower pots or maybe they've left it there for tonight! And the question remains did they leave the pheasants too?!

Well, something different to blip!! Hope the sun is shining with you and you have a great weekend lined up!

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