Ross Hall Hospital

If my story help one person it’ll worth opening up about this. In May this year sent off my bowel screening kit and got it back negative. In October decided to do full medical check and was given another of these. This one , a few moths later, came back positive. I was horrified; thereafter followed colonoscopy , CT scan and MRI. There was a sessile polyp deemed at least precancerous. I had an op on Sunday to remove it and am recovering well. Feel a bit like a kangaroo with a Joey in my pouch but that swelling will go down. The pathology would determine its grade and chemotherapy required. The results came back last night. It was cancerous but has been totally removed and as it is category A means I won’t need chemo. I will continue to be monitored but that’s fine by me. I would urge anyone considering not sending their test back - to think again. This has saved my life. If I’d waited till the next regular one it would 18 months away - and that might have been a different story. Apologies for not contributing very much lately but I will be back soon

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