CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Beautiful cactus

Breezy, but dry day

Busy day with Listening Service support meeting and then coffee meet with my friend. After lunch, finalising my sermon for Sunday - the first in Advent.

I am still fascinated by the shapes of the cactus flower - they make a great study to photograph. I am still amazed at how such a design can come out of the little buds - truth be told, I daily have a sense of wonder at how things grow and develop - not just plants but humans, animals and the whole of creation. Then there is the whole area of planets in the universe - we have just witnessed the landing of a craft on Mars - only possible because of the incredible order of planetary orbits and the amazing mind of humans (with the help of computer programs designed by humans). 

I am so glad I live in an age when we have greater capacity to see things in close up than ever before, plus the benefit of time lapse photography to record events never noticed before.

At a time when one could despair over the foolishness of leaders and our own capacity for getting things wrong, I am glad that we can also have joy in the wonder of the natural world, or creation, as I prefer to call it.

Enjoy the cactus flower and have a great weekend. 

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