through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes


Meet Andrew and Xinyi. (Their photoshoot here)

Before I came to Taiwan, loneliness was something I feared. I was afraid it would be like three years ago: no friends, thus nowhere to go, no fun places to be at, and no one to talk to.

This year, God provided these two people next to me and I can not be ever more grateful. They were my friends, my older brother and sister, my parents, and my spiritual shoulders to lean on during these 4 months here.

Andrew and Xinyi, I don't know when it will be the next time we meet but I will never forget those crazy nights at the nightmarket, jamming on the worship team with you two, our late night talks, food adventures, and shopping sprees. You both have taken care of me and cared about me even when you guys knew nothing about my past or who I am now. The way that God has challenged me during these four months though, you both were next to me every step of the way.

I cannot wish you guys more happiness and love. I hope as God continues to lead you both through your education, your relationship with each other and with Him, He will continue to be the focus and center of your everything. I pray that your relationship will be something to glorify Him and to show what His love is to this world.

Chicago will always be open to you both with open arms! (:

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