Monday Morning

At least it isn't too hazy.  Shot on my walk to work, at about 08.15.  As usual, I hardly slept the night before because I was afraid I would not wake up on time.  I know I would be tempted to not wake up because, if truth be told, I wish I didn't have to work any more.  That said, it's partly because of the weather that I feel this way.

Went to work, worked, went back home.  Found out when I opened my private mail that our visa applications have all been approved.  While many might say 'Of course! Why shouldn't they be?', my response is always 'You never know.'  I have forwarded the mail to my office mail address so that I can print them out in colour at work.

Found out today that I've been given yet another class -- a second second-year English class.  Why do they do this without discussing it first with me?  I went to the class while they were still with another lecturer, and I told them I wasn't going to see them today because I'd need to prepare and because I'd already made other appointments.  Will not jump in to please my superiors only because they've put it in my schedule and it's part of my job.  That kind of stress I will no longer give in to.  The class was surprised as well and didn't expect me to show up just like that, so we will both prepare and I'll see them next Monday.  I will accept this 'new' group, no problem about that.  The only thing is that at the end of Block 2, I'll need to check and correct about 100 business research reports (4 first-year classes) and 50 English portfolios (2 second-year classes).  And they said last May that they would 'relieve' me of 70 hours to compensate for the overtime I made last schoolyear.  Fat chance of that happening now.

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