Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


With a train strike limiting options to head further afield it was a two bus journey to reach Cleckheaton, a short walk from Liversedge FC's ground, Clayborn. Sedge were hosting Eccleshill United in an NCEL Premier Division fixture.

Eccleshill were soon ahead, and went on to score three in each half for a 0-6 win. They deserved the win but the size of the scoreline was a bit harsh on Liversedge.

The ground is pleasantly situated and partly cut into a slope to provide an amphitheatre. The club house sits above the pitch, as revealed by this image of the half-time queue for the tea hut, a quintessential non-league scene.

I stopped off in Bradford on the way home to see some more of the Illuminate show. The light projections on City Hall  are great and well worth a visit, although Sunday is the last day.

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