Truly Blippin' Marvelous

By JohnEdward


. . . I'm ensnared by the retiarius (had to look that up). Tangled in my own net. I picked the theme and keywords for December mono Mondays months ago and being stubborn stayed with very un-photogenic words. But, as many people do, you may do your own thing.

       A bit of mono Monday history. I know there are still quite a few of you around who remember posting links to your entries for challenges in the old community forum. Then along came Paladian , Hobbs , then Skeena (Alan Graham) came along and now Nickimags888 keeps us organized. Mono Monday has become a Blip tradition for a small dedicated band.

I hope I can keep up. Mono Monday it isn't a competition but the more striking an image and convoluted the words (if needed) to justify the keyword Deuce the better. Hearts will be awarded purely subjectively by me by each Wednesday. Oh, and don't forget the MM254 tag

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