A Fahrenheit Life

By Pingirl

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Up early after last night's dinner, which was very enjoyable, despite slipping on ice as soon as I arrived whilst not-so-elegantly getting out of the car - no broken bones, mind you - for eye test to see if I'm suitable for laser surgery. Lots of questions, testing, eye drops, blinking, crying later it seems I'm getting really old and have started to develop cataracts. Anyway, all is able to be sorted - at a price - and how soon would I like the surgery? The big drawback of getting eye drops that dilated my pupils was going out afterwards into bright sunshine and not being able to focus on a thing. Stumbled my way home, however, and managed to get out into the garden to clear up a bit.

PS Managed to slip on ice again this morning, this time going my full, attention-seeking length. Still no broken bones, but I fear it's only a matter of time....

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