Happy Hamp5on

We joined in with the English-speaking church today and went along to their carol service. They're an Anglican Church who meet in 2 different Catholic Churches - both absolutely beautiful! It was lovely to go somewhere with such a different style of worship. I met a few absolutely fascinating people.
We had a delicious roast dinner (our first Christmas celebration!) with friends, and bumped into other friends whilst there at the restaurant! Beautiful company and beautiful food.
Home for naps, playing and homework. And now the kids are in bed and Danny's working on his next essay, and I'm mulling over tomorrow's contemplative advent time we'll having here as a community... Night night!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) The English-speaking church.
2) A fascinating conversation with a guy after church - 'sum up in one line what 'belief' is...'
3) Advent - time to slow down, listen, meditate, change.

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